Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Big Quilcene River - 2016

Kokatat, Dagger mamba 8.6, Big Quilcene, Olympic Peninsula

The Big Quilcene River

I hadn't been into the Big Quilcene in a couple of years and with the unseasonably warm and wet Fall we have had so far; a warm, pogie-less trip down The Big Q seemed like a great idea.

I ran into Sam, Richard and Chris on Saturday up on the Stillaguamish river and after a couple of beers and retelling of tales of carnage, I had these guys hooked on an OP mission.

This pocket drop was awesome. Fun sequence above with a rewarding shelf-boof at the bottom.

The cool thing about waiting a couple years before heading back into this awesome run was how much the wood situation had changed the run. There were two rapids that did not exist when I was there last. The first was this steep, mankfest of a boulder-garden. We scouted from river left and ran center to left.

The other was this monster:

Kokatat, Dagger mamba 8.6, Big Quilcene, Olympic Peninsula

She's still waiting for some plastic... The drop is definitely runnable, but no one was up to the task on this lap. The entrance involves a lot of skill and faith, not to mention bending some rules of physics.

More info on The Big Q can be found on

Here are some of the GoPro highlights from the day on the water.

The Big Quilcene - 2016 from daniel patrinellis on Vimeo.

Get out there and check her out.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Chelan 2016 Recreational Release info page


2016 release dates: September 17th & 18th.

! Waiver to kayak !

For those new to the Chelan Gorge recreational release and all the returning sickos; a waiver must be completed and signed by each participant, 18 years or older. These waivers will be available to put-in, but if the PUD representative runs out of forms, you will not be allowed on the river. Preemptively completing the online reservation form helps not only the Chelan PUD, but also gives American Whitewater an early head count on how many participants are enroute the morning of the release. Below is the link for the reservation and waiver page on the Chelan PUD website.

If you do sign up for the release, but are unable to attend, please call or text me. The registration helps the PUD representatives know who is on the water and when everyone is out of the canyon.


Recreational users will no longer be allowed to use the large field at the put in as a camping spot. We have worn out our welcome at the horseshoe pits and I am looking into options. It’s recommended that you make prior camping arrangements, as in prior to Saturday morning. This is a small town and dirt-bagging can be very difficult in this part of Washington. All of the local campgrounds are county run and pay by the day. They are also small and tend to fill up very fast. Last year the Sheriff came by the put-in on Saturday morning, to remind us that we are not allowed to camp at the put-in. This could become a delicate situation and would look bad for American Whitewater if we do not respect the rights and wishes of this small town that is allowing us to come play in their backyard for a weekend. Please do not be “that person” this year. Make a plan and stick to it.

General info

The Chelan Gorge is awesome. If you haven't paddled it yet, I highly recommend making the journey. Tom O'keefe and American Whitewater worked very hard to secure our right to use this incredible piece of whitewater; showing up and being part of  the release reinforces to the local municipality, our need as whitewater enthusiasts for access to this remote canyon.

There is a lot of media out there showing each and every single line on this run. Check them out and get stoked, but know that this is indeed a difficult class V run with some serious consequence.  Pay your AW dues, know your limits,  have a buddy system, and bring an extra throw bag.
Hope to see you there!

Dan Patrinellis

Friday, July 8, 2016

PNW Guidebook Release + SeaGnar = SICKNESS

Paddling Pacific Northwest Whitewater: A Fresh Guide to Northwest Rivers and Creeks from Substantial Media House on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 14th kaykers will be getting together at TAB’s in Kenmore to celebrate and rub elbows. We will be celebrating the release of Nick’s new guidebook, “Paddling Pacific Northwest Whitewater” after a lot of hard work.

hinds + Nick Hinds - Amongst it on the SF Salmon patrinellis

SeaGnar will rear its grotesque head and the three previous year’s winning films will be shown.

SeaGnar 2013
SeaGnar 2014
SeaGnar 2015

Since I love carnage as much as I do; I’ve made another Beater Sessions video to get the stoke rolling and the booty-beers flowing.

There will be no video contest, no prizes and you will only need to endure minimal talking on my part. Come and and just watch kayak porn with your best friends and check out this sick new guidebook.

Hope to see as many of you out there as possible.

Thursday, July 14th @ 7pm
TAB’s in Kenmore
7211 NE 181st St, Kenmore, WA 98028

Here’s a little teaser for Beater Sessions Vol. 3.

Beater Sessions Vol. 3 Teaser from daniel patrinellis on Vimeo.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Solo Tumwater POV at 13,000 cfs

Some POV footage of a couple solo laps on the 3 Amigos section of Tumwater.

Level was a little over 13,000 cfs.

Solo Amigos from daniel patrinellis on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

10,500 cfs in Tumwater Canyon

I was playing around in Tumwater, minding my own business, when a crew of chargers came blasting through.

Sam Grafton, Ben Kinsella and Ben Marr completed top to bottom descents of Tumwater Canyon at 10,500 cfs. That's no joke.

I pulled the camera out while these guys ran Perfection of Whitewater and Last Exit.

Check it out.

10,500 cfs in Tumwater Canyon from daniel patrinellis on Vimeo.