So, with a Cali mission looming, Scott and I decided that the best way to prepare for our impending bar-fight of a hike/boating excursion was to head down to the Little White Salmon and watch the race.

I heard about the Little White Race last year and I thought it was a pretty cool idea, even if it was a bit above my head. Racing Gettin' Busy sounded awesome, in theory. Then the idea of having to stick a boof at the bottom of Boulder Slouce (when I'm completely gassed) with a crowd screaming for blood crept into the back of my neck and I tucked my tail between my legs. I said maybe next year and cried into by sprayskirt.

Next year is here, and, the course is even tougher now with a giant slalom course below Spirit Falls. So once again, crying into my sprayskirt, I told myself "next year is your year man!" And raised my hand to help with safety.
The Little White race is long: from the top of Gettin' Busy down to the pool below Wishbone Falls. This is no slouch stretch of whitewater. The race organizers also decided to have the option of solo racers. Most creek races in the class V arena are team races with the obvious exception being the NF championship race on Jacob's Ladder.
Another glaring example of change in the modern boating community was the inclusion of a slalom course on the run, after the race. Slalom courses have been around for a long time, and there's entire tribes of Latvian youths that have never seen life outside of a slalom course and lashes from Gunther's whip, but I've never seen one like this:

Naturally, the best and questionably brightest showed up on race day to throw down on a slightly cooler but much brighter Sunday than we expected.

As my lines are pretty suspect on this run, I raised my hand to help with safety and was promptly stationed at Sacraledge. With multiple throwbags arranged for Human Fishing, I felt a little less guilty about bringing out the camera for the racers.

I was fortunate to see some of the worlds best kayakers blaze through the bottom of a rapid sequence, that normally leaves me breathless and wide-eyed, without even mouth breathing. Angles on these photos are limited, as I felt I was morally obligated to stay within throwbag range of the cave that was the real beatdown hazard at this river feature.

Once we got the go ahead, that the last racer was through the course, it was time to head down to Spirit Falls and the Giant Slolom course that was waiting to take some names. As we (Team Safety) where pretty late to the party I opted to head down to my perch above the pool that creates the birthday eddy on river right of Chaos.
LDuB Race Results
1. Niceto Yalan Quintana / Michael "Miguel" Shields 17 min
2. Orion Meredith and Niko Peha 17 min 7 sec
3. Chris Leach and Matt King 17 min 52 sec
4. Kim Becker and Dave Hoffman 18 min 1 sec
5. Dylan McKinney and Clay Lucas 18 min 8 sec
Down River Men
1. Evan Garcia 15 min 2 sec
2. Gerd Sarrassolses 15 min 11 sec
3. Louis Geltman 15 min 12 sec
4. Todd Wells 15 min 25 sec
5. Darren Albright 15 min 50 sec
Down River Women
1. Katrina Van Wijk 17 min 3 sec
2. Sandra Hyslop 17 min 9 sec
3. Nouria Abou-Newman 17 min 21 sec
4. Nicole Mansfield 17 min 43 sec
5. Lu Urwin 18 min 9 sec
Men’s Slalom
1. Evan Garcia 50.59
2. Galen Volckhausen 50.86
3. Kyle Hull 54.22
4. Erik Johnson 56.64
5. Rush Sturges 57.21
Women’s Slalom
1. Katrina Van Wijk 1.31.60
2. Nouria Newman 2.54.77
3. Sandra Hyslop 2.56.04
Stay Stoked. Stay Safe.
That was quite the event. The water looks superb! Makes my palms sweat just looking at some of those drops.